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12 may 2022

Make Your own Choice, Don’t let OTHERS make a Choice for YOU !!!

"We need new people, new minds, and new approaches in our parliament. We need real changes, we are not US, we are not UK, we are Canada and we need to be unique as we are.

We need changes to better and we have to regain Canada’s reputation back.

We are proudly Canadians and We must be always proud to be Canadian."  Parviz Isgandarov


Candidate bio:

CEO and Co-founder of  Best4Home Canada Corporation —

Intending to be Canada’s most popular search service for professionals and businesses. New Business directory—online Catalogue of businesses and services.  

Contributing reduction of unemployment and increasing small business revenue. 

Board member of Azerbaijani Community of Ontario

Former United Nations experience at UN ILO, UNDP, UNHCR

Alumni of: Raul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights, Lund University, Sweden

Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (Adh-Geneva), Switzerland

Europa Universitat Viadrina, Germany

Bachelor in Law

Human Rights Advocate, dedicated his life promoting human rights and  defending vulnurable and marginalised layers of population.

Married, loving husband and proud father of two amazing kids.


Candidate platform:

Job opportunities as well, back to work for laid off employees due to COVID

Lifting COVID forced vaccination and vaccination requirements  

Decent payments

Decent pensions

Affordable housing and vacancy control

Efficient Healthcare system – reduce wait times in Emergency

Tax reduction

Free dental plan & Eye exam for seniors

Additional Sport capacities for children

Reduction of Internet and Cellular costs



We live in the best country in the world. Why not have it run by the best ideas from the best minds?

Power has been kept in the hands of two major political parties with views so divergent, one has to wonder how could the right path be so far on the opposite sides?

Liberals promote unreasonable spending to keep the masses happy which in turn sends the value of our currency into the doldrums. Don’t believe it? Last time Oil was at the prices we see today, our currency was at par with the US dollar. Could you imagine how much the loonie would have been worth if oil prices would have tanked and how much we would be spending just for groceries?

Conservatives have their own quirks. I remember when they were in power and they pushed the “Foreign Worker” program where businesses brought over potato pickers to pick potatoes from local farms, and high paying technology jobs were sent overseas.

I believe the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

What if we established a political party that welcomed the best minds from both sides and had a highly educated, experienced and impartial committee with no conflict of interest vote on major proposals?

Even better, why not have those grand programs be subject to a verifiable digital voting system to subject them to popular vote?

It’s about time for a party to make the right choices for people without any “political agenda”.

It’s time for the Ontario Moderate Party.




Establish a panel of experts to vote on critical items such as key interests rates.

Tie spending to verifiable income sources.

Look at the auto industry for example a new car is taxed 13% HST when you buy it and each time that same vehicle is sold another 13% HST applies. We are over taxed, over worked and underpaid. We propose reducing the HST back to 5%.


Instead of reducing health care coverage, make violators and freewheelers pay a small percentage of the treatment. Got a cold? Why pay the doctors a fee to tell you what has been common knowledge for the past 50 years? Use the money to extend health care for seniors.

Allow people choice when making decisions that impact all of us. Our healthcare workers are over worked and underpaid and citizens of Canada who need MRI’s are forced to go to the United States to get it done because our wait times are too long. We need to do more for our seniors as well that are on a fixed income including eyecare, dental, medical plans. The Liberals have purchased 400 million doses of covid 19 vaccine when Canada only has 38 million people this could have been used in purchasing more health care equipment. Not to mention that the vaccine should have been my body my choice not forced upon its citizens and created a divided society with what once was a beautiful peaceful country where people cared about one another and their health turned into pure hatred for one another.


A country of immigrants run by immigrants knows best about immigrants. Take what you can absorb to flourish. Let everybody with no mal-intent in, but taking in less hinders our country and GDP and taking in more than you can absorb creates imbalance and the drop in quality of life.

Canada needs to be more self sufficient and independent instead of relying so much on other countries. A perfect example is when we sent all our health care PPE’s to China and short changed our own citizens. Canada should be looking after and putting everyone who resides in Canada first.


Set achievable targets for electrification of vehicles. Has anybody thought out where the power to charge all these vehicles would come from? What would the price of electricity be if everybody charged their vehicle at homes? The cost of fuel should be returned to pre-pandemic rates there is no good reason it should be at $2.00 a litre.

Canadians should be allowed to travel in and out of Canada freely regardless of there vaccination status instead of being kept hostage. As we all know the failed vaccine did not stop or slow the transmission of Covid. Vaccinated people brought in the Omicron variant and can still be highly contagious and test positive for weeks later making them no different than the unvaccinated.


When the rule of law fades, people lose hope and take matter in their own hands. This leads to crime and instability. Has anybody tried to recoup money lost by using the court system recently? Amazing how the Liberals can freeze peoples bank accounts without a court order and cause all the banks to crash and inconvenience every single person residing in Canada. No one should be allowed to have this type of power and control of the people without some kind of vote from all pollical parties.


Our children work with us. They wake up the same time, leave home and get back home with us. Improve childcare and provide universal day care so parents can focus on productivity while at work. Considering all schools dictate to some degree what kids are and aren’t allowed to bring to school for lunch we propose that for students grade eight and under be provided a complementary lunch.


Internet is still a serious issue for many rural areas and the costs are outrages with poor to average service being provided. Cellular rates are one of the highest in this Country and many Canadians are spending a small fortune trying to pay these Bills. When the cost of Cellular phone is higher than what we pay to heat our homes, something is wrong.

Let’s bring peace and harmony back to Canadians.

P.S. Special thanks to our supporter Mrs. Christine Harris for helping with this page!

For more details please visit:


Dura lex, sed lex. "The law [is] harsh, but [it is] the law."

We should always believe in Rule of Law in Canada and don’t let anyone to betray our believes. 



Actions that speak.    Results that last.   Choose progress today.



Vote Ontario Moderate Party!

"I am a Canadian, a free Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think is right, free to oppose what I believe is wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."

                                                                                                 - John Diefenbaker, 13th Prime Minister of Canada

Let’s breath with ease! With Ontario Moderate Party! 

We will strongly resist any enforcement of the vaccine passport + Digital ID, digital currency and social rating.

We live in the best country in the world. Why not have it run by the best ideas from the best minds? Power has been kept in the hands of two major political parties with views so divergent, one has to wonder how could the right path be so far on the opposite sides?


For the elections Ford conservatives gave you free license plate stickers, but from July 1 they are introducing back emissions tests that would cost you three times the price of sticker. For the elections they lifted some pandemic restrictions. But knowing them we are sure that they will put all the restrictions back after elected. Why Americans go around without masks and we have to? Are we special?

Conservatives/Liberals are using inflation as a heavy tax tool. But they are not increasing your salary or pension. They promised you happy retirement at age of 65. You spent all your life working hard and what you have now? Do you still believe them? Keep dreaming!


Internet is still a serious issue for many rural areas and the costs are outrages with poor to average service being provided. Cellular rates are one of the highest in this Country and many Canadians are spending a small fortune trying to pay these Bills. When the cost of Cellular phone is higher than what we pay to heat our homes, something is wrong.


We are society of lonely people. TV became a substitute of normal social connections. That causes a lot of social and mental problems. You can’t buy happiness at Drug Mart. We think that it is better to barbecue together then to eat antidepressants alone.   We promise that we are going to work hard by building an extended social network where people will be able to socialize person-to-person.

You will throw out your TV and spend more time with nature. Remember - Dementia, Alzheimer, Multiple Sclerosis, Obesity, Sugar Diabetes and tremendous amount of other illnesses are the result of wrong lifestyle. Liberals/Conservatives are spending 80 billion a year on mass media promoting their lifestyle and ideology. But despite such heavy expenses only 80% of Canadians support them. Free your mind and think out of the box. A lot in this life depends on what you believe in.


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